Tuesday, April 3, 2007

To Further Define...

Why Hip Hop...

Well these days it might be better stated as "wild hip hop." As we know there are not too many places where the Hip-Hop culture isn't felt. From fashion to politics to culture, even in corporate America, Hip Hop has left a deep impression, not only in our country, but also around the world. And unfortunately there are a bunch of social and moral ills that have become synonymous with Hip Hop in some people's minds. We can also see the impression it has left on a generation that has allowed Hip Hop to be its tutor. So we believe for as such a time as this God has purposely allowed a remnant to thrive (CMR) who have various backgrounds and skill sets but who live to bring God's word to bear on the current Hip Hop effected populists. We acknowledge that God's chief organism for reaching the world is the church. This campaign (future posts) is designed to continue to educate the Christian community as well as to appeal to them for the support of this vital mission. During the next leg of the campaign, we will continue to further define the issues that face our nation due to the lack of salt and light in the midst of a good portion of a world gone Hip Hop. We will also further defend, not Hip Hop in and of itself, but the importance of anyone in any culture to be used by God to proclaim his supremacy in and above the culture's norms. And lastly, we will further demonstrate and put on display what God has already been doing in so many places through so many people who have become prime examples of what Hip Hop, the Hip Hop affected, and Hip Hop infused ministry can look like when it is submitted to the Kingdom agenda of Jesus Christ.

Spoken By: Jon Wells aka Tonic from The Cross Movement

Posted By: R.I.P.

Grace and Peace


Sista Cala said...

I found your link through your comment on Sounds of Thunder. Happy to find another A/G blogger, haven't run across too many.

The things I know about hip-hop are from what I observe in the community and from a ministry site called EX Ministries.com. Looking forward to reading your views.

R.I.P. (Redeemed In Prayer) said...

Sista Cala...appreciate you leaving a comment of friendship. I look forward to hear what your ideas and opinions are.

As fare as Ex Ministries, G. Craige Lewis says:

"To understand this book, we must first explain what Hip-hop really is. Hip-hop is not music! It is not a genre; it is not a specific sound or art form. Hip-hop is not rap either, but it is a religion/culture or a belief system that was birthed out of a desire to manifest one's self in a society that was deemed unfair to African-American's in the early 1970's."

Hip-hop’s origin is simply people in the inner city that at parties they would stand up with a microphone and recite poems for entertainment. Then they started memorizing them and making them flow a little bit smoother. Then they started to put a beat to it to make it a little more "poppy." Hence one of the first actual Hip-hop songs, "TO THE HIP, HOP, YOU JUST DON'T STOP." The artist isn't referring to the style of music. He is talking about his actual hip popping out and then hopping to the beat. That is what Hip-hoping was in its original intent. It has came fare from that now, but that is why it is so important to have Christian rappers like Cross Movement and company that have graduated from Bible colleges with bible degrees. They are determined to take Hip Hop back for the glory of God.

I could go one for hours about this topic and make it a really intellectual conversation, maybe sometime I will. For now, just continue to read the posts and get a feel for what Holy Hip Hop is all about.

R.I.P. (Redeemed In Prayer) said...

Also, these guys are providing an awesome, quality-sounding alternative to the self-revolving music the world is offering.

Listen to the song on the videos on my page. (The third video provides the lyrics.) It is just one of thousands of songs these guys put out.

There have been times that these songs have broken me down to the point I was crying out for God. God is speaking through this music to connect with his children.

SLW said...

check this out my brotha